How to Number a Contract

When it comes to numbering a contract, the process may seem straightforward, but taking a systematic approach is key to ensure that the numbered clauses are clear, easily referenced, and legally binding. In this article, we’ll explore some guidelines for numbering a contract.

1. Choose a numbering system

There are different numbering systems you can use to label the clauses in your contract. The most common systems are:

– Sequential numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.)

– Decimal numbering (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.)

– Alphabetical numbering (A, B, C, etc.)

Sequential numbering is the simplest and most widely used system. Decimal and alphabetical numbering may be useful when a contract is particularly complex and consists of sub-sections.

2. Define the structure of your numbered clauses

Before starting to number the contract, it’s essential to define the structure of your clauses. This means that you have to break down the contract into sections and subsections and determine the order in which they should be presented. Typically, a contract will start with a preamble followed by the main body consisting of several articles, sections, and sub-sections.

3. Number your clauses

Once you’ve defined the structure of your numbered clauses, it’s time to start numbering them. Begin by assigning sequential numbers to each of the articles, sections, and sub-sections. If you are using decimal or alphabetical numbering, be sure to stick to the system you’ve chosen.

4. Be consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to numbering a contract. Ensure that you stick with the numbering system you’ve chosen throughout the document. For example, if you’ve chosen sequential numbering, do not include alphabetical or decimal numbering in the middle of the document.

5. Use cross-references

In some cases, you may need to refer to a clause in another section of the contract. To do this, use cross-references to link the clauses. For example, if you want to refer to clause 3.2 in clause 4.1, you could write “as set out in clause 3.2 above”.

In conclusion, numbering a contract may seem like a minor detail, but it can have a significant impact on the clarity and coherence of the document. By following these guidelines and taking a systematic approach, you can ensure that your numbered clauses are clear, consistent, and legally binding.